Boat Rental

in Bugøynes, Varangerfjord

We have three stable and safe boats for rental. Two boats, Maria & Margarethe, have a 50 HP engine. And one boat, Alisa, has a 25 HP engine. Our boats are rented from Bugøynes village, just a short walk from our Restaurant Bistroen.

About Maria & Margarethe boats:

  • To drive Maria & Margarethe you need to be born before1 January 1980, or then hold a Norwegian boating license.
  • The boats are Øien 620 cm long and 235 cm wide.
  • Both boats are self-draining, have a steering wheel, and are equipped with echo sounders / chart plotters. 
  • Engine of boats: Suzuki 4 stroke 50 HP
  • Fishing equipment must be brought, but life jackets are included in the boat rental price. It is possible to rent a flotation suit for NOK 100 per day.
  • For safety purposes we do not rent our boats for more than 4 persons if you are going fishing.
Pricing of Maria & Margarethe boats:
  • 3 Hours 600 NOK + Petrol
  • 4 Hours 750 NOK + Petrol
  • 8 Hours 1300 NOK + Petrol (10am-6pm)
  • 24 Hours 1700 NOK + Petrol
  • 3 days 4800 NOK + Petrol
  • 5 days 7500 NOK + Petrol
  • 7 days 9000 NOK + Petrol

About Alisa boat:

  • This boat can be driven by any adult without a separate boating license
  • Rent our smaller Øien 530 boat for rental
  • The boat is self-draining, has a steering wheel, and is equipped with echo sounders / chart plotters.
  • Engine of boats: Yamaha 4 stroke 25 HP
  • Fishing equipment must be brought, but life jackets are included in the boat rental price. It is possible to rent a flotation suit for NOK 100 per day.
  • For safety purposes we do not rent our boats for more than 4 persons when you are going fishing.
Pricing of Alisa boat:
  • 3 Hours 500 NOK + Petrol
  • 4 Hours 600 NOK + Petrol
  • 8 Hours 800 NOK + Petrol (10am-6pm)
  • 24 Hours 1200 NOK + Petrol
  • 3 days 3400 NOK + Petrol
  • 5 days 5500 NOK + Petrol
  • 7 days 6400 NOK + Petrol
Please note: A 50nok/person pier fee will be charged on spot in addition to the rental. Also gasoline is charged separately according to consumption. For safety reasons, you are not allowed to use your own petrol!


Everyone who rents a boat for fishing is required by Norwegian law to report their catch, even if there is no catch. We use GoFish, and have already registered our company there. Use either your smart phone or tablet. Log in to www://, select your language in the upper left corner and log in with your phone number with 00 + country code + your phone number. There you can complete the registration before you go out to sea, and register your catch.


Useful links:

If you want more information on the Norwegian boating license please go to: Boating license and ICC – Norwegian Maritime Authority (

See the tides chart for Varangerfjorden

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